![]() What a blessing it was to attend a most reverent and beautiful Holy Sacrifice of the Mass this morning at St. Patrick's in Columbus, thank you Lord! As I was sitting in the pew listening to the Holy Gospel being proclaimed, this particular Scripture (Mark 18-23 †) that was shared made its way into my heart... “Hear me, all of you, and understand. Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person; but the things that come out from within are what defile." My thoughts immediately took me to my childhood traumas - molestation, rape, abuse - all things against my control that happened TO me (my interpretation of 'enters one from outside'). That Scripture brings me peace. Many, if not all, childhood survivors experience feelings of shame and blame themselves for what happened to them. But that is a lie and when we begin to feel that way, we need to ask Jesus to rebuke those feelings and pour His Truth and peace into our hearts and minds. The Scripture continues with... ..."but the things that come out from within are what defile." But it does not end there as it explains... “From within people, from their hearts, come evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly. All these evils come from within and they defile.” In my own experience within myself and in serving others, I have come to learn that many of these behaviors that defile stem from unhealed woundedness from traumas. In my darkest moments - these were my behaviors. And even when I began to see more light, little by little, I still would get caught up in some of these behaviors as well. God in this Holy Scripture is telling us that we are not what has been done to us; but we ARE responsible for what we choose to do in response. If we hold anger, resentment and malice in our hearts, then these are evils that are from within that defile us as well as others. No matter how our hearts got dirty to begin with - we need clean hearts. <3 The great news is that He gives us everything we need to cleanse our hearts - to turn them from stone to flesh! But we must first acknowledge our own behaviors for what they are, accept God's love and mercy in our own lives and then commit to living a life faithful to God and His decrees. This is what each and every one of us was created for. For new, fleshy, clean hearts to know, love and serve Him. <3 I <3 Sundays. I <3 the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I <3 Holy Scripture. I <3 God. I <3 His mercy and forgiveness. And I <3 you. You are NOT what has happened to you, but you are responsible for what your heart does next. Happy Sunday y'all! #columbus #stpatrick #holymass #noshame #donotdefile #stonetoflesh #cleanheart #restlesshearts #mommaletics #forgiveness
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AuthorCatholic convert. Deacon's wife. Nana. Homeschoolers. Mama of 5. Advocate. Author. Speaker. Foodie. Apron wearer. (Oh I love aprons!) Don't judge. Archives
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