Serving the PoorAfter becoming pregnant at 16, Jess spent 2 years homeless. Years later, after moving to Los Angeles in 1999, she answered God's call for her to go back out to the streets and love His children. In 2006, after having personally served homeless adults since 1999, Jess focused her outreach efforts on helping homeless children and their families.
Protecting LifeHaving experienced a pregnancy at the age of 16, and another at 18 that ended in abortion, Jess fights for the lives of the unborn and their mothers/families.
Jess believes that the Church's response to post abortive women is vital in reaching them and allowing them a safe place to begin their healing. Formation programs, seminaries as well as parishes can learn more about how to welcome the post abortive woman through Jess' talk about her own abortion experience and how the Church responded to her. Read her Silent No More abortion testimony here: |
Spreading the GospelA convert to Catholicism after having "spent time" in agnosticism, self-realization and New Age spirituality. Her conversion/life story is a jaw dropper you won't want to miss! From enduring sexual abuse and rape to finding forgiveness and even love for her attackers. Jess shares her story in the hope that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is represented in it and it can touch the hearts of many and turn them to Him!